Campus Safety

Schools play an important role in children's health and well being. They can be a place to develop useful life skills on health and hygiene.


The school has an 10-feet high boundary wall around the school premises for the security of the institution.

Cameras have been installed in the classrooms, laboratories, office, as well as in the corridor for safety of the students. Cameras have also been installed
at the Main Gate of School ensuring complete safety for students and staff.

Efficient security guards are appointed for patrolling day and night.

Each classroom has window grills and nets for each floor.

Laboratories are well equipped to handle common emergencies.

Sports room is spacious, well ventilated and well equipped.

The secluded corners, corridors, and stair cases are scrutinized by staff.


Fire Extinguishers and essential Fire Hydrants are placed in school at various locations and maintained regularly.

Regular preventive checks to ensure safety related to higher risk areas – electrical, civil work, school gates, transport, etc.


A qualified compounder is appointed to provide appropriate medical help to the students and staff.

Provision for RO drinking water and quality is ensured by regular chemical analysis of water sample.

Health reports are maintained by the school.

Dental, paediatric and eye checkups are done by qualified doctors.

Health hygiene awareness programs are conducted for mothers and girls students to adopt right feminine hygiene practices.

Proper care is taken to ensure that hygiene and safety is maintained in and around the school.